Youtube Watch Time

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NOTICE: To process your order, the length of your video must be a minimum of 1 hour, and a maximum of 3 hours.

Buy 4000 Watch Hours on YouTube
If you’re looking to make money from your YouTube channel, you have to make
sure your channel meets YouTube’s eligibility requirements. But wait, does that
mean buying YouTube Watch Time makes it easy for you to reach the goal of 4000
hours? Above all, does buying YouTube Watch Time worth the risk? Or could this quick fix make things worse?
Watch Time is a most important metric on YouTube
YouTube and its mother company Google are regularly altering the conditions,
making it even harder for publishers to keep abreast of the latest rules. Once
upon a time, displaying almost anything on YouTube meant you could make
money from the quality of your videos. But, that’s not the case anymore. It's not
as much easy as it looks.
Before you begin to monetize your videos and channel on YouTube, you have to
amass, at a minimum, 4000 hours of Watch Time in the past 12 months. That’s
not a big issue if you’ve been producing and sharing content for a few years, but it
could be a challenge for small and newly created YouTube channels.
Therefore, it’s no surprise that a huge influx of publishers around the world opt to
buy YouTube Watch Time to accelerate the process. If you’re stuck in a dilemma
as to whether buy Watch Time on YouTube to fulfill the requirements a lot faster
or wait months (or even years), the former seems like a cakewalk without doubt.

Things you should know about YouTube Monetization program
If you're still undecided on whether or not buy YouTube Watch Time, below we
list some important things you could consider doing if you know:
YouTube continues to be the world's most popular and probably most
profitable video platform.
Watch Time refers to the total hours viewers spend watching your videos
since you released them
Your videos on YouTube are more likely to be suggested to others as more
viewers watch your content in one go
YouTube requires you to have at least 4000 watch hours to be able to
qualify for the YouTube Partner Program and enable monetization for your
According to the YouTube Partner Program requirements, you must also
have at least 1000 subscribers in the past 12 months
Watch Time is considered a primary factor for YouTube’s ranking system,
making up 85 percent of its algorithm for promoting videos
Needless to say, you should remember that meeting all these requirements
doesn’t necessarily mean that your channel will be accepted. Once your
application for YouTube Partner Program is sent, your channel and videos will go
through a review to make sure your channel is following all policies and
guidelines. It’s an ultimately futile attempt to start monetizing your channel and
videos without meeting the said requirements. If you’re still in the beginning
stages of creating your channel or you’re having trouble amassing 4000 hours
Watch Time, it might be a good idea to go with buying YouTube Watch Time.

Is buying YouTube Watch Time safe?
Naturally, Google is quick to detect such unlawful actions when it comes to that.
Apart from that, you can just watch your own videos on an endless loop for a few
weeks to reach the Watch Time hours’ threshold.
YouTube, on the other hand, confirms only those Watch Time hours collected
genuinely and viewed by real YouTube users, ignoring bots or automated systems
We’re not saying that fake Watch Time will certainly result in your channel being
terminated, but it won’t be worth the risk and effort either. Therefore, make sure
you buy Watch Time from authentic sources only so that YouTube and Google will
consider your Watch Time as completely valid.

Is there any point in buying YouTube Watch Time?
The short answer is yes, because Watch Time is one of the key requirements set
by YouTube to be eligible for earning money from your channel. In any case, the
only way to join the YouTube Partner Program is to collect at least 4000 hours of
Watch Time.
Again, it’s important to note that meeting all the requirements set by YouTube
does not guarantee your channel will be accepted to the YPP. Still, without 4000
hours of Watch Time, the application can't even clear the first hurdle.

How to Buy a Package?
Buying social media packages from Our servies is simple and fast. Just follow these steps

Choose Package

It's easy to get started with us. Choose from our wide range of packages that cater your requirements


Enter Details

Provide us details about what you need to boost now. We DON’T require your password


Wait for results

You can pay via Stripe. We will create and proceed with an order and inform you once done

How many YouTube watch hours are required?
You need 4.000 hours of video watch time to monetize your content.
Does watching a video again constitute a view?
It will count as a view if you replay and watch the video for at least 30 seconds.
Do your personal views on YouTube count?
Yes. Your videos will be counted as views even if you keep watching them repeatedly.
Is it prohibited to purchase YouTube watch time?
It cannot be said to be illegal because there is no specific law against it.
Can I get banned for purchasing hours of YouTube watch time?
You would be secure because we have never faced such a problem.
Is it secure to purchase hours of YouTube watch time from this site?
Our website is secure, of course. So that you can shop with confidence.
How are YouTube viewing hours determined?
The last 365 days' worth of watch time on YouTube are calculated. You need to have accrued 4000 watch hours throughout that period.
How many minutes are in 4,000 watch hours?
240.000 minutes is equal to 4000 hours of watch time.